GMLP Charles Klotzer Media Literacy Awards 2013





Gateway Media Literacy Partners (GMLP) will honor four individuals and one organization with the 2013 Charles Klotzer Media Literacy Award at Noon, November 15, Ladue Horton Watkins High School, at the Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis’s special event during GMLP’s Seventh Annual Media Literacy Week:


Bernie Hayes -Cancer Walk - Copy

  Print and broadcasting icon and longtime revered college professor, Bernie          Hayes, is receiving the “Educator” honor for his ongoing media literacy education efforts in   a variety of community settings. With 57 years in print and broadcast journalism, coupled with   a rich recording and recording production history, Mr. Hayes’ body of work especially includes   efforts to dispel perceptions about stereotypes,  using media literacy education processes, and to   use his personal and academic gifts to help dismantle racism, both in the classroom and in the   greater community.



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St. Louis Jewish Light editor Ellen Futterman and ESPN Radio’s/ The Nine Network’s Alvin Reid share the honor as Media Professionals, for distinguishing themselves with their media literacy.  In a profession where one presumes literacy across a variety of media , they stand out,  with an ongoing  ability,  in a variety of settings around the community,  to be both thoughtful producers of media as well as purveyors of serious inquiry, prompting critical-thinking skills,  on the job and as representatives of their fields, out in the community.




Institution.   KDHX Community Media  is this year’s INSTITUTION honoree, for its many years of bringing voice to the St. Louis region via a variety of programming content, daily,  and for its myriad endeavors to bring media literacy education to the greater St. Louis area, especially among our community’s youth.




Actor Geena Davis and the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media receives this year’s INTERNATIONAL MEDIA LITERACY honor, for tireless work, both in the U.S. and around the world, advocating for  and succeeding at more accurate portrayals of gender in film and television.   The Institute has partnered with GMLP since 2011, when its executive director, Madeline DiNonno, brought the Institute’s important message to St. Louis during GMLP’s Fifth Annual Media Literacy Week.    The international media literacy category is a new one,  among enlivening GMLP’s goal to underscore the importance of international media literacy as it relates to our region’s citizens.


GMLP’s board of directors selected this year’s awardees this past summer, from the largest number of nominations, ever presented to the organization.

“Media literacy flourishes in a community where we have models who demonstrate media literacy ideals,” Webster University Professor Art Silverblatt, head of GMLP’s Media Literacy week, said, following the vote.  A founding member of the organization Silverblatt continued:.    “We are fortunate that St. Louis can point to Can point to such wond


The Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis and Ladue School District are partners of Gateway Media Literacy Partners and will be featuring the award presentation during the media literacy week event entitled  Idiocracy: Is Media Making us Stupid, to be held at Ladue Horton Watkins High School’s Black Box Theater, and it is open and free to the public.   See for details.


GMLP’s Charles Klotzer Media Literacy Award was first awarded to its namesake and his wife, Rose Klotzer, at the National Association for Media Literacy Education’s (NAMLE’s) 2007 Media Literacy Education Conference before an international audience, in St. Louis.    At that time, more than 400 attendees were able to hear the remarkable story of the Klotzer duo, founders of the now 40+-year-old St. Louis Journalism Review—now known as the Gateway Journalism Review. 


For more information on the awardees, the award, or GMLP’s Seventh Media Literacy Week  Gateway Media Literacy Partners, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to promote media literacy and media literacy education.


Gateway Media Literacy Partners, Inc,

Empowering Citizens to Think Critically About Media Messages





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