Enrichment Certificates

GMLP Offers Media Literacy Enrichment Certificates

GMLP’s Education and Programming Committees are working closely to provide media literacy-focused programming efforts.  Many of these efforts will have a foundation to include the critical thinking skills that formalized media literacy education teaches.  For these programs that will offer media literacy education, per GMLP’s  guidelines and criteria, citizens  attending will leave with the newly-created offering, the GMLP Media Literacy Enrichment certificate.  Going forward, GMLP will announce which of its programs will offer participants enrichment certificates.

GMLP Offers Media Literacy Training and Certificates to Businesses

GMLP’s president is urging businesses and other community sectors, to re-consider training, again,  during tough economic times, and to look to GMLP programs as an option for enrichment.   By taking a couple of hours away from the office to come to a GMLP program, participants learn about the academic field—media literacy—something they may not have thought of, before.  “This food for thought, at the office, where media is often the discussion around the water cooler and at lunch, is something GMLP can seize upon, but with a more serious approach, given businesses and media have strong connections,” Jessica Brown, says.

“After all,  we, our co-workers and our competitors– are all affected by media’s messages; we make bottom-line decisions, partly with information we get from the media,” she added.  “What we know or don’t know  about what’s happening locally and globally, is partly based on what we glean from the media. Whether it be from the Internet, television, radio or print, we all have a great stake in having better critical thinking skills to deal with those messages and how they affect our business environments.”

“And, let’s not forget, business people’s families are affected by media,” Brown continued… “Our children are constantly connected to their media and they, too, may be lacking the “tools” to deal with that relationship.  So, taking some enrichment  you’ve learned at one of our programs can give business people some in lessons in how to empower  their families.”

If you are interested in participating, please call , or e-mail .

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